Name: Özlem ÜNAL
Country: Turkey
Degrees: Ph.D.
Current job title: Assistant Professor
Institution: School Of Health Sciences, Speech and Language Therapy
Short autobiography:
I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and got my Ms. and Ph.D. degree in speech and language therapy. My master and Ph.D. thesis both were about cleft palate speech. I attended cleft palate and craniofacial anomalies teamwork in Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in the United States as a guest researcher. I am giving lectures about cleft palate speech and also supervising the cleft palate therapies in my department.
Reason for joining: To improve the multidisciplinary care in Turkey
Current research interest in relation to the COST Action: Usage of high tech instruments, such as ultrasound and electropalatography, during the assessment and treatment of cleft palate speech
COST Actions Outcomes:
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